• Newsletters 2024,  Posts

    Newsletter March 2024

    Dear Members Our February Tasting was held at Javea Golf Club and was attended by 48 members and guests. We had an excellent presentation from Eduard Morell, owner of Vinyes del Terrer winery in Catalunya. His wines are an excellent reflection of the terroir on which his winery is based, 2 kilometres from the Mediterranean with calcareous soils from the ancient fragments of sea shells and limestone rock. We have separately written to all members to offer the opportunity to buy the wines tasted at excellent discounted rates. A full report on the tasting can be found here During the month we launched our new public Facebook page with the…

  • Posts,  Tastings 2024

    Tasting Report February 2024

    CBWS Tasting held on 15/2/24 at Javea Golf Club This month’s tasting was hosted by Neville and Sara Richardson. The wines were all from the Catalunya winery of Vinyes del Terrer and were presented by the winery owner Eduard Morell. The main vineyards are in the village of Vila-seca, 2 kilometres from the Mediterranean. The soil, called Lumaquela is unique to this area, being calcareous due to the abundance of marine fossils, carbonate and limestone, and gives the wines minerality. All grapes are handpicked and subject to a careful selection process Blanc del Terrer 2022 Macabeo grape. €5.08  (€30.48 for a case of 6 bottles) A really good quality fresh white…

  • Newsletters 2024,  Posts

    Newsletter February 2024

    Happy New Year to all of our members. I am delighted to be issuing my first newsletter as your new President. I am grateful to have been elected at the AGM on 18 January and I am looking forward with great enthusiasm to my new role.  In this newsletter I will summarise the AGM, cover in brief the Tasting Dinner which followed and give you a preview of the next two tastings. The AGM was held at the Nou Roma hotel in Denia, a great venue for this meeting and the following dinner. The main business covered at the AGM was as follows;      Tim Fawle in his last duty as…

  • Posts,  Tastings 2024

    Tasting and AGM January 2024

    CBWS tasting with AGM held on Thursday 18th January at La Senia in Denia and attended by 46 members and guests New President Neville welcomed members and guests to the evening and in particular to three new members. The format for the evening was to taste the favourite wines from 2023. The wines took us on a good tour of Spain. Ceremonia monastrell blanc de noir 202, Vicent Gandia, Alicante €3.95 This wine was tasted in November at Los Amigos Monastrell is known for fabulous rich red wines of alicante/valencia this is a white from red grapes Delightful white, pale yellow, hints of green, aromas of tropical fruits, apricots, apple and pear, full…

  • Archive

    Tasting and Trip Dates 2023

    2023 Tasting Programme The tastings are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month except December which is a week earlier. There are no meetings in July and August Bookings for each tasting open at the beginning of the month of the tasting. Please click here for a link to our online booking page Date. 2023 Venue Event January 19  La Senia, Denia Top 5 Wines scored in 2022 hosted by Tim Fawle February 16 Javea Golf Club Wine Distributor Presentation hosted by Neville and Sara Richardson March 16 Los Amigos, Javea South American Wines hosted by Hugh Epsom and Gillian Ashworth April 20 Republic Lounge, Denia A Paired Tasting with Republic Lounge…

  • Newsletters 2023

    Christmas newsletter 2023

    Costa Blanca Wine Society Christmas Newsletter December 2023 Our December tasting is traditionally hosted by the President who chose the wines for the evening.  57 members were booked in to attend this tasting but unfortunately several members were unable to participate due to illness issues. However, 49 members attended in a convivial and relaxed atmosphere at A Bordo Club Nautica, Javea. There was no formal wine scoring and the wines selected were some that we had tasted before and some of the President’s favourites.  There was also an interesting wine activity that was hosted by Sandy Fawle throughout the evening which ensured that every table participated to test their wine knowledge. The…

  • Newsletters 2024,  Posts

    Newsletter January 2024

    You are reminded that the AGM will be held on Thursday 18th January 2023. The original notice issued with the December newsletter is copied below. There is one amendment to the notice which is that nominations for the vacant positions can be made until 11th January (previously 4th January. Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Costa Blanca Wine Society will be held on Thursday, 18th January, 2024 in Restaurant La Senia, Hotel Nou Roma, Denia.  The first call will be at 6pm with the meeting starting at 6.30pm (this is the time for members to arrive and be seated). The meeting is for members only. Guests are welcome to attend the tasting which…

  • Posts,  Tastings 2023

    Tasting Report December 2023

    Tasting Report December  2023 We did not receive the normal report for this event so it is published as supplied by Tim Fawle. Our December tasting is traditionally hosted by the President who has chosen the wines. We had 57 members due to attend this tasting but unfortunately several members were unable to participate due to illness issues. However, 49 members attended in a convivial and relaxed atmosphere at A Bordo Club Nautica, Javea There was no formal wine scoring and the wines selected were some that we had tasted before and some of the President’s favourites.  There was also an interesting wine activity that was hosted by Sandy Fawle throughout the…